Fire Fuel Reduction
Fire fuels reduction is a trademark of Brinks Land Improvement. Mark Brink is an Accredited Assessor for SB-360, and can evaluate Oregon forestland-urban interface properties and certify compliance with the standards of Senate Bill 360. He is accredited through the Oregon Department of Forestry.
Thinning of hazardous forest fuels at urban interfaces, our machines can eliminate brush around structures. No need to worry about hauling away debris or bringing in a chipper. Stumps can be ground down to ground level and brush is chipped as the area is cleared. This chipped material helps eliminate erosion and is reabsorbed back into the soil. There is no burning, and in most cases you don't even need a permit. We can also cut firebreaks and access lanes for pre-suppression projects.
In the event there is a fire, our machines can quickly cut fire trails. We can also do post fire or storm clean up. With our rubber and steel tracked machines, we can reach damaged areas quickly and chip trees and brush faster. There are no ruts left on the land, no increase in mud from heavy dozers, and no need to have large piles of debris to contend with after "clean up".
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